About Me
My name is Elaine
I am passionate about using peiec® energy healing to help people create positive changes in their lives.
I am a qualified peiec® practitioner and started my peiec® journey in 2018 and have been using peiec® in my life to create positive changes ever since. I have been continuously learning about myself and transforming my life using peiec®.
Before peiec®, I studied to become a qualified Life Coach and was still searching for that thing that would unlock me and help me to understand who I was in this world and what my purpose was. I wanted to add something more spiritual to my life as I have always been quite energy aware and sensitive.
I first started to learn peiec® as a tool to help my clients. I didn't realise I was the one who truly needed the healing. Yes this sounds so naive and ignorant but it is a common misconception. We learn to live with our trauma and hardships and then wonder why we aren't getting to where we think we need or want to be at in our life.
By incorporating peiec®, a simple yet powerful practice into my daily life, my world began to soften, I became gentler on myself, life became easier to manage and I discovered things about myself that I wasn't aware of and could truly see how my behaviours, patterns and cycles were impacting my own life and the world around me.
As a peiec energy practitioner, I have a passion for helping women see the value within themselves, who want to transform their lives, who want to be better at life and navigate life with ease. To know they are worthy and deserving of a better way of living and to support women going through the many changes in life.
Through a gentle and safe approach peiec® has the ability to calm the nervous system and create space for you to see yourself and to heal your life.
Through taking that one step and committing to my own personal growth using peiec® as a daily spiritual practice I was able to transform my life in ways that I never thought were possible for me. The flow on effect of healing changes everything in your world as you walk within your life differently. Giving myself the gift of peiec® has helped me to become a better parent, friend, daughter and person.